I have really fond memories of past OggCamp events and I've always come away from them feeling inspired and motivated to hack on stuff. I was super happy to hear the event is coming back for 2024. I've ordered 2 tickets and booked some accommodation, I'm really looking forward to it! oggcamp.org


Spent a minute to clean-up my AppIndicator icons. It's a silly little thing, but the coloured icons looked out of place and whilst they were not triggering me too much, it is nice to have them fit in with the other monochrome icons.

Screenshot of GNOME desktop showing monochrome AppIndicator icons.

fedora gnome linux

Becky has managed to get into the Oasis tickets pre-sale. Hoping to grab our tickets ahead of general release tomorrow 🤞


I had a moment of weakness last Friday and moved back to using Debian. I find it mentally difficult to switch to using a different distro, but after a couple of days I decided that I should persist with my self-imposed mission to switch to using Fedora. I've been a Debian user for so long that I feel some sort of brand loyalty towards it, which is just crazy. Anyhow, I think this is what lead to my moment of weakness. Does anyone else get these feelings? I'm not crazy.

Screenshot of my Fedora Workstation desktop

debian fedora linux

Built myself a RSS client to keep informed of new software releases that I use. I only add feeds for release notes and the client pings me an email whenever a new RSS item is retrieved. It's nice to receive the email notifications and not have worry about manually checking any feeds. There is probably some software out there that already does this, but it was fun to hack on my own.

Screenshot of my basic RSS client

homelab php rss software

And just like that, my month long journey with Fedora is over. I really enjoyed Fedora 40, but ultimately I'm a Debian user at heart. It feels good to be back.

Screenshot of my Debian Bookworm desktop

debian fedora linux

Watched the first couple of episodes of The Acolyte tonight. Enjoyed it a lot, but I'm not sure how Yord became a Jedi Master? He seems somewhat inept, I think he must have cheated on his exams.

disney starwars watching

Released a PWA today. It did not work as well in the real world as it did under test conditions. I think I'm going to have a busy week ahead trying to problem solve a few issues.

dayjob pwa

I only listen to podcasts about tech. I'm trying to be a bit less one dimensional, so I've added some political podcasts to my listening list. I now listen to podcasts about tech and politics. What else is there?


Tonight, I have mostly been building flat packed furniture. It’s a bit like Lego for grownups, not that grownups can’t play with Lego. That said, I think Lego comes with better instructions and is more fun, it also weighs less and is easier on my aging joints. Thinking about it, I’d much rather play with Lego.


An old friend recently gifted me a copy of No Man's Sky. The game was on my Steam wishlist and my friend surprised me out of nowhere with the unexpected gift. I've never played the game, but it looks ace! I've got a couple of spare hours tonight so I think I'll give it a try. Pew! Pew!

games steam

Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


My name is and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website (philipnewborough.co.uk) serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍