Philip Newborough - Web Developer and Linux Enthusiast

Screenshot of A Drum Kit for Oliver

Pinned Demo: A Drum Kit for Oliver

A basic drum kit created for my grandson and favourite baby human, Oliver.


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Just finished reading Longshot - An Astra Militarum Novel by Rob Young. The Imperial Guard are one of my favourite Warhammer 40k factions and I enjoyed reading this a lot. I've got Deathworlder lined-up for my next read.

Cover art for Longshot.

books reading

I've adjusted down my yearly cycling distance goal on Strava to 5,000km. I didn't manage to ride as much as I would have liked last year, not coming anywhere close to my goal of 10,000km, so I've changed it to a total that should be more achievable. It's only the 9th of Jan, but I'm currently 18km ahead of pace, which I'm pleased with considering the current freezing weather.


Longlegs is a very weird movie. It's dark and arty, which I enjoyed, but I'm not sure I'd be in any hurry to watch it again.


The GNOME extensions site/service has been sluggish to the point of unuseable for me lately. It's behaving like a site under heavy load, although I have no data to back that up.

gnome linux

Updated my gaming rig to Debian testing and installed the latest NVIDIA drivers. It's not the most powerful machine in the world, but it plays the odd game of Counter-Strike ok.

Screenshot taken from my gaming rig.

debian games nvidia

Just finished watching The Penguin. It was darker than I had expected, which is not a bad thing. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


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Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


My name is and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website ( serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍