Philip Newborough - Web Developer and Linux Enthusiast


How to set-up a crontab file

In Linux, Cron is a daemon/service that executes shell commands periodically on a given schedule. Cron is driven by a crontab, a configuration file that holds details of what commands are to be run along with a timetable of when to run them. Knowing how to use Cron is key to mastering automation with Linux.

automation cron linux

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It's good to see that the Fedora Project is asking questions about AI/ML use in Fedora. I suspect this is something Microsoft did not consider asking their Windows 11 users? I'm thinking all of Microsoft's decisions to include AI in Windows were/are financially driven with little consideration given to users. Anyhow, details of the Fedora survey are here:…

ai fedora

I'm seeing some backlash aimed at Mozilla in regards to their new Ad Tech feature in Firefox. I think it's probably justified. I also think it was definitely to be expected; Firefox has a tiny share of the browser market and I would imagine most its users are technical and probably loyal. It's not hard to imagine how they might feel when their favourite browser starts to disrespect their privacy. Not sure what is happening at Mozilla lately. It's disappointing.

firefox mozilla privacy

I've been pretty quiet on here for a while (more so than normal). I tend to spend a lot of time riding my bike during the summer months.


Tomorrow, I've been tasked with taking some drone photos. Our regular drone pilot is away on paternity leave. I've never flown a drone before, so I've just taken it outside for a rehearsal flight. IMHO, the hardest part of flying a drone is figuring out how to switch the bloody thing on! Also, the DJI Mini 3 is an incredible bit of technology.


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Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


My name is and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website ( serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.