Philip Newborough - Web Developer and Linux Enthusiast

Blog - Web development services develop for the internet and the web. We build websites and applications that connect people and systems together.

How to set-up a crontab file

In Linux, Cron is a daemon/service that executes shell commands periodically on a given schedule. Cron is driven by a crontab, a configuration file that holds details of what commands are to be run along with a timetable of when to run them. Knowing how to use Cron is key to mastering automation with Linux.

automation cron linux

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I've placed a few strategic .trackerignore files around my file system in the hope that it stops GNOME Tracker from melting my laptop.

gnome tracker

Playing around with PHP-FFMpeg to grab video duration and dimensions from uploaded media files. Seems like a pretty robust library and probably overkill for my needs, but it works well.


Day off tomorrow to watch the Tour Of Britain as it comes through the village. If it's anything like 2014 when we went to Cambridge to watch the Tour de France, we'll be stood on the side of the road for hours only to watch the riders go past in a matter of seconds. Anyhow, the weather forecast looks good, so we'll take a nice picnic.


Every now-and-again my laptop gets really hot. I'm pretty sure the culprit is GNOME Tracker, but I'm not sure I want to resolve the issue. Winter is coming!

gnome linux

I have really fond memories of past OggCamp events and I've always come away from them feeling inspired and motivated to hack on stuff. I was super happy to hear the event is coming back for 2024. I've ordered 2 tickets and booked some accommodation, I'm really looking forward to it!


Spent a minute to clean-up my AppIndicator icons. It's a silly little thing, but the coloured icons looked out of place and whilst they were not triggering me too much, it is nice to have them fit in with the other monochrome icons.

Screenshot of GNOME desktop showing monochrome AppIndicator icons.

fedora gnome linux

Becky has managed to get into the Oasis tickets pre-sale. Hoping to grab our tickets ahead of general release tomorrow 🤞


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Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


My name is and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website ( serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.