Folksonomy: intel

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Updated the "suggested" Intel driver and now Bluetooth isn't working at all. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a little harsh with my hatred of Windows, then shit like this happens and it reminds me that my feelings are somewhat justified.

Windows Device Manager showing broken Bluetooth.

intel windows

Excited to see an Intel Bluetooth driver update for my Razer Blade 15. The Bluetooth on this device has generally been pretty poor with dropped connections etc. Anyhow, super dissappointed when I bothered to read the release notes. Seems like a total waste of a PDF file, not sure why they even bother.

Screenshot of Intel's Release Notes showing a not very helpful note.

intel windows


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Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


My name is and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website ( serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.