Sunday evening and Becky is planet hopping in Starfield again, whilst I queue up some podcasts for my journeys into work next week. I’ve just subscribed to the Fedora Project Podcast and I’m interested to give it a listen.

podcasts fedora linux

My Google Chrome has just received the 2023 refresh/face-lift. Chrome isn't my first choice of browser, but I do like the new look. Anyhow, it's Friday night and Becky is playing Hogwarts Legacy whilst I'm messing around with some CSS. Rock 'n' roll.


This morning, I'm going to continue working on the encrypted notes app that I started yesterday. The plan for this afternoon is to look at an old CodeIgniter 2 application to see how feasible it is to update it to CI4.

dayjob coding codeigniter

Working on an encrypted notes app. I'm not rolling my own encryption algorithm, because that would be bonkers. Also, don't all note apps use encryption these days?


Working on a digital signage display that pulls solar power data via an API and displays the data in way that a 5 year old should be able to understand.

dayjob coding api

Tapping 3 fingers on my touchpad triggers middle-click paste. This can be a real pain in the arse when I'm using 3 finger swipe gestures on my laptop -- I often find random shit being pasted into my code editor.

gnome linux

Creating a folksonomy editor, which is fine, except my brain refuses to let me type 'folksonomy' quickly.


Sunday night and Becky is selling contraband on some far off planet (Starfield), whilst I’m inspecting my todo list for next week.


I'm testing a function that caches favicons, so I went looking for a website that doesn't have a favicon (more difficult than expected) and the first site I stumbled across was this beauty!

Screenshot of


Playing around with creating a Chrome browser extension to work with my personal website. I thought there might be more hoop jumping involved, but it's been relatively easy to get something up and running quickly. I'm not using Firefox at the moment (due to it crashing my Debian boxes), but I might have a crack at that next.

Testing my Chrome Extension for creating bookmarks.

chrome browserextensions

I've created an account with Mythic Beasts. I just need to make a plan for moving a bunch of sites over to their servers. I'm thinking that I'll start with a test domain so that I can orientate myself with their systems.

hosting mythicbeasts

Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


My name is and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website ( serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍