Status updates tagged with "devnull"

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Christmas at Lincoln’s recycling centre. There is something a little haunting about this scene. Maybe it has something to do with the state of the planet and how much waste Christmas generates? Anyhow, ho ho ho.

Christmas at the Lincoln recycling centre.


I attended a murder mystery evening tonight with Becky. The event was held on an old steam train at Loughborough heritage railway and involved a 3 course meal and trying to solve a bunch of puzzles to get clues to the identity of the murderer. The meal was nice and the actors were very funny. It was a good night out.

Detective Inspector Archie Balls and company standing on the train station platform.


Off to the golf range later today, I think it's a male bonding session?! I don't play golf, so currently reading about golf balls. Apparently, golf balls used to be a hand-sewn round leather pouch stuffed with chicken or goose feathers and coated with paint, usually white in colour. Anyhow, anyone got any tips?


Sometimes, when I lock and unlock my computer, only 2 of my 3 screens return/work. I have to repeat the procedure (lock and unlock) before all 3 return to a working state. Anyway, first day back at work after a long weekend. Sometimes it can take a while to get back into the swing of things, just like my monitors.


Working on a website that will be 20 years old next month. TBH, it looks 20 years old and so does the code. Maybe I'll convince the owner to update/rewrite it at some point. That said, it works just fine, so I wouldn't blame them if they kept it as is for another 20 years.


Doing some digital housework, backing up old git repositories, removing long dead sites/domains etc. It's a little sad to see old projects being archived, but I learned long ago about how ephemeral these things can be.


I can’t remember the last time I used a system with a spinning hard drive. I should really put a drill bit through these old drives. Job for the weekend I think.

A collection of old hard drives.


Searching old storage drives for some software that I think I wrote about 20 years ago. I'm sure the code is junk, but I'm interested to take a look at it as it might come in handy for a project I'm working on. Anyway, I really should organise my backups better.


Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


My name is and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website ( serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.