Taking a look at the current state of Debian testing. I've installed it on my old MacBook Pro and it's working nicely. It looks like Debian Trixie is going to be a really nice release.

Taking a look at the current state of Debian testing. I've installed it on my old MacBook Pro and it's working nicely. It looks like Debian Trixie is going to be a really nice release.
I've been seeing this a lot tonight. There are 2 people using the Internet in our house and only 1 of them is browsing repos on GitHub.
Playing around with my old ThinkPad X220 tonight. This thing is over 10 years old and runs Debian 12 (GNOME) just fine. Also, I forgot just how good the keyboard is on this thing, it's amazing!
Wishing my friends in the USA good luck! I hope you have a peaceful election.
Plain text is a great format for sending emails that you want to work well with both light and dark modes. Actually, plain text is a great format for sending emails, period.
Working on an old project that uses TinyMCE for writing product descriptions. Most of the descriptions consist of paragraphs and lists, so I'm thinking I'll drop TinyMCE in favour of using Markdown. Been testing league/html-to-markdown and it seems to be working fine for this use case.
Just discovered that Vivaldi provides custom icons for iOS. That's a really nice touch!
Passwords suck, but I built a password generator that'll create passwords like "7Salads&aQuailnamedSteve." and "84Butterbeans&anEelcalledRicky!" philipnewborough.co.uk/demos/passwo...
Fedora 41 upgrade 😚👌
The new default terminal application in Fedora is pretty. I love that it has the Dracula theme included in its theme options.
I purchased my current laptop a year ago. It’s a Lenovo ThinkPad T14s and it’s been nearly perfect for my needs. I got the model with 16GB of RAM, I should have opted for the 32GB model. My next laptop will have 32GB or more.
Looking forward to upgrading my daily driver to Fedora 41. I’ve been running 41 on a test system for the last month and it’s been solid.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there was a web developer who wanted a silly animation for his custom 404 error page. philipnewborough.co.uk/demos/canvas...
I've been playing around with converting a website's database from MariaDB to SQLite. SQLite is consistently 100 - 200ms faster when performing search queries on a table with ~100,000 rows using DataTables and PHP. There doesn't appear to be any noticeable speed difference querying individual rows. Also, I'm not sure if I'm being a bit heavy handed with it, but I've managed to corrupt the SQLite db numerous times, which is concerning.
Roughly 2 weeks ago, I changed my GNOME desktop to use Dark Style so that I could test some prefers-color-scheme CSS styles. I've not changed it back since.
Converting a website's back-end to use SQLite, it's currently using MariaDB. I'm interested to see if there will be any performance improvements. The largest table has ~250k rows, so it's not big data, but it's also not insignificant.
Just upgraded to Nextcloud Hub 9 (30.0.1) from 29.0.8. The upgrade was super quick and everything seems to working just fine.
I see a lot more negative comments about AI than positive in my social feeds. I obviously choose my friends wisely.
Installed Oh My SVG from Flathub. Does a good job at cleaning SVG files for embedding in HTML.
TIL Vivaldi for iOS has configurable content blocking that allows you to import and use your own block lists. Nifty.
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My name is Philip Newborough and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website (philipnewborough.co.uk) serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.