Working on an old project that uses TinyMCE for writing product descriptions. Most of the descriptions consist of paragraphs and lists, so I'm thinking I'll drop TinyMCE in favour of using Markdown. Been testing league/html-to-markdown and it seems to be working fine for this use case.
Status updates tagged with "php"
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I've been playing around with converting a website's database from MariaDB to SQLite. SQLite is consistently 100 - 200ms faster when performing search queries on a table with ~100,000 rows using DataTables and PHP. There doesn't appear to be any noticeable speed difference querying individual rows. Also, I'm not sure if I'm being a bit heavy handed with it, but I've managed to corrupt the SQLite db numerous times, which is concerning.
Playing around with PHP-FFMpeg to grab video duration and dimensions from uploaded media files. Seems like a pretty robust library and probably overkill for my needs, but it works well.
Built myself a RSS client to keep informed of new software releases that I use. I only add feeds for release notes and the client pings me an email whenever a new RSS item is retrieved. It's nice to receive the email notifications and not have worry about manually checking any feeds. There is probably some software out there that already does this, but it was fun to hack on my own.
Giving the laminas-feed PHP package a try at consuming some RSS feeds. Documentation is top-notch and the package works nicely. Can recommend for feed consumption. AAA+++
Updating some CodeIgniter instances to 4.5.0. There are breaking changes:…
Upgraded a busy Debian web server last Thursday night and so far I've only received one reported issue. Not bad considering the amount of old PHP applications this thing runs. I was expecting a busy weekend fixing issues, but it never happened. I did spend a while testing everything before the upgrade, so that probably helped.
Today, I've mostly been head scratching over an issue with some PHP code, turns out the problem was due to the date getting out of sync in WSL2. I think this happens when I put my laptop to sleep?! Anyhow, I've installed the ntpsec package which immediately fixed the issue. Will keep an eye on it.
Listening to Linux Downtime episode 86 - the hosts have some interesting thoughts about nerd flex and programming languages. PHP gets a pretty rough ride, which I think can be attributed to the host's ignorance. Personally, I love PHP and I know there are many PHP developers out there who feel the same -- the PHP community on Mastodon is awesome.
Fixing another old site to run without errors under PHP 8.2. Mostly seeing notices about dynamic properties, so nothing too bad so far.
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