Favicon The box model and box sizing - Piccalilli

To open up this CSS Fundamentals series, we’re looking at one of those most important aspects of CSS to understand: how the box model is affected by box sizing.


Mar 22, 2024, 14:08


Remember del.icio.us? Remember Ma.gnolia? They were both social bookmarking sites and I used both until they ceased to exist. I now keep my bookmarks on my own site and share them here.

I tend to bookmark interesting websites as I browse the web, so my bookmarks could be thought of as a trail of digital breadcrumbs. The existence of a bookmark here does not indicate any endorsement of the website or service.


I like tag all content on my site. See below for all tags used within my bookmarks.



Click the link below to subscribe to my Bookmarks feed in your favourite news reader client:

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Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


My name is and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website (philipnewborough.co.uk) serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍