Bookmarks tagged with "css"
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A CSS project boilerplate - Piccalilli
Top Pens of 2023 on CodePen
Using date-based CSS to make old web pages *look* old – Terence Eden’s Blog
Let it snow – 12 Days of Web Components
LH units are cool - Andy Bell
This makes sizing icons relatively and aligning them relatively, much easier.
CSS Wrapped: 2023! | Blog | Chrome for Developers
Jeremy Keith – Of Time And The Web – border:none 2023 - YouTube
Ours is a fast-moving industry. We measure our work in tickets, sprints, and projects. But that can make it hard to see the bigger picture sometimes. In this talk we’ll attempt to pull back and measure our progress in terms of decades. We might even attempt to gaze into the future…
HTML5 Test Page
You don't need JavaScript for that - HTMHell
The rule of least power
It's one of the core principles of web development and it means that you should Choose the least powerful language suitable for a given purpose. On the web this means preferring HTML over CSS, and then CSS over JS. -
An Interactive Guide to CSS Grid
In this tutorial, I'm going to share the biggest 💡 lightbulb moments I've had in my own journey with CSS Grid. You'll learn the fundamentals of this layout mode, and see how to do some pretty cool stuff with it. ✨
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