Web3 is Going Just Great
…and is definitely not an enormous grift that’s pouring lighter fluid on our already smouldering planet.
The 250kb Club
The 250KB Club is a collection of web pages that focus on performance, efficiency and accessibility.
512KB Club | A showcase of lightweight websites.
The 512KB Club is a collection of performance-focused web pages from across the Internet.
1MB Club: A collection of web pages weighing in less than 1MB
1MB Club is a growing collection of performance-focused web pages weighing less than 1 megabyte.
Andy Bell - Designer, front-end developer and founder of Set Studio
blog — icyphox
Webring xxiivv
This webring is an attempt to inspire artists & developers to build their websites and share traffic amongst each other. The ring welcomes hand-crafted wikis and portfolios.
Fediverse Explorer
Browse most recent public posts across the fediverse by hashtag.
embed/embed - Packagist
PHP library to retrieve page info using oembed, opengraph, etc.
MySQL cheatsheet
composer cheatsheet
Bash scripting cheatsheet
Ian Betteridge - GitHub Copilot costs more per user than it charges
I’ve still not tried GitHub Copilot. I may wait a while longer after reading this.
File Storage Abstraction for PHP - Flysystem
DataTables | Table plug-in for jQuery
CodeIgniter4 DataTables
How to Create Your Own Google Chrome Extension
Some good simple instructions on how to get started when building a Chrome browser extension.
Favicon Generator for perfect icons on all browsers
I’ve used this to create Favicons for several sites. It works well.
Ionicons: Premium Open Source Icon Pack for Ionic Framework
Material Symbols and Icons - Google Fonts
Remember del.icio.us? Remember Ma.gnolia? They were both social bookmarking sites and I used both until they ceased to exist. I now keep my bookmarks on my own site and share them here.
I tend to bookmark interesting websites as I browse the web, so my bookmarks could be thought of as a trail of digital breadcrumbs. The existence of a bookmark here does not indicate any endorsement of the website or service.
Click the link below to subscribe to my Bookmarks feed in your favourite news reader client: