Introducing Mozilla’s Firefox Nightly .deb Package for Debian-based Linux Distributions – Firefox Nightly News
RSS 2.0 Specification
Mastodon documentation
Giving a Shit as a Service - Allen Pike
No more 404
Using the Wayback Machine to negate broken hyperlinks.
Webbed Briefs
Why The IndieWeb? (Webbed Briefs)
This is the story of the birth of the web, its loss of innocence, its decline, and what we can do to make it a bit less gross.
Why you should probably be using SQLite | Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds
Maintainability And Readability | Prime Reacts - YouTube
POSSE - IndieWeb
POSSE: a better way to post on social networks - The Verge
Colin Dismuke – Ocean engineer, developer, photographer.
I’m tired of web dev - Ross Wintle
It’s 2023, here is why your web design sucks.
TLDR: At some point, we told design they couldn’t sit with us anymore, and surprise! It backfired! Now, not only has the field and profession of web design suffered, but also, we build shitty websites.
Web Manifesto
Weird Wide Webring
The web needs a little more weird. These sites are helping.
30 years of Debian with Jonathan Carter, Debian Project Leader (DPL) (Changelog Interviews #553) |> Changelog
Blog — Max Glenister
Why is Debian the way it is?
Remember del.icio.us? Remember Ma.gnolia? They were both social bookmarking sites and I used both until they ceased to exist. I now keep my bookmarks on my own site and share them here.
I tend to bookmark interesting websites as I browse the web, so my bookmarks could be thought of as a trail of digital breadcrumbs. The existence of a bookmark here does not indicate any endorsement of the website or service.
Click the link below to subscribe to my Bookmarks feed in your favourite news reader client: