This is a solar-powered website, which means it sometimes goes offline
I love everything about this website.
Daniel Immke’s Personal Website
Can I PHP? - caniuse.com but for PHP features
PHP feature support by version - like caniuse.com but for PHP. This is a list of language features and functions added or removed in recent PHP versions. It is not an exhaustive reference.
Web developers: remarkably untalented and careless? – Baldur Bjarnason
An Interactive Guide to CSS Grid
In this tutorial, I'm going to share the biggest 💡 lightbulb moments I've had in my own journey with CSS Grid. You'll learn the fundamentals of this layout mode, and see how to do some pretty cool stuff with it. ✨
Inter font family
Half-Life: 25th Anniversary Documentary - YouTube
I played Half-Life a lot and I have fond memories of that time of my life.
How to implement a basic ActivityPub server - Mastodon Blog
Home | Rach Smith's digital garden
P&B: Chris Coyier – Manu
This is the 12th edition of People and Blogs, the series where I ask interesting people to talk about themselves and their blogs. Today we have Chris Coyier and his blog, chriscoyier.net.
Sharing Debugger - Meta for Developers
You can use the Sharing Debugger to see the information that is used when your website content is shared on Facebook, Messenger and other places.
The Open Graph protocol
The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to allow any web page to have the same functionality as any other object on Facebook.
GitHub - mozilla/web-ext: A command line tool to help build, run, and test web extensions
Package your extension | Firefox Extension Workshop
Your first extension - Mozilla | MDN
This article walks through creating an extension for Firefox, from start to finish.
dompdf/dompdf: HTML to PDF converter for PHP
At its heart, dompdf is (mostly) a CSS 2.1 compliant HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP. It is a style-driven renderer: it will download and read external stylesheets, inline style tags, and the style attributes of individual HTML elements. It also supports most presentational HTML attributes.
Cracking a “Developer Tools Killer” script… | Christian Heilmann
The other day I got an email from somebody who took one of my developer tools courses and he said he found a website that cannot be debugged. So I looked, found a nasty script and show you how to work around that one.
CSS JOY Webring
This is the home of a new webring that I've decided to set up for those of us who take joy in messing around with CSS
a11y-webring.club - A webring for digital accessibility practitioners.
Seirdy’s Home
Remember del.icio.us? Remember Ma.gnolia? They were both social bookmarking sites and I used both until they ceased to exist. I now keep my bookmarks on my own site and share them here.
I tend to bookmark interesting websites as I browse the web, so my bookmarks could be thought of as a trail of digital breadcrumbs. The existence of a bookmark here does not indicate any endorsement of the website or service.
Click the link below to subscribe to my Bookmarks feed in your favourite news reader client: