200 Web-Based, Must-Try Web Design and Development Tools · Jens Oliver Meiert
My PHP development Workstation - Remi's RPM repository - Blog
Tips on how to configure multiple PHP versions on Fedora Linux
Remi's RPM repository - Configuration wizard
Configuration wizard for installing different PHP versions on Fedora Linux.
I Attended Google's Creator Conversation Event, And It Turned Into A Funeral | GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT
Google invited some of the most vocal independent site owners who’ve been shadowbanned by their brutal updates of the last two years, and 20 of them came to pay their respects. We had no idea what the purpose of our visit was going in, but we knew by the time we left.
The deterioration of Google
web media companies can’t count on any of the traffic coming from Google or Facebook any more. Very few, even one that are frugally run, are capable of surviving on the traffic that remains.
Mozilla Foundation lays off 30% staff, drops advocacy division | TechCrunch
The Mozilla Foundation, the nonprofit arm of the Firefox browser maker Mozilla, has laid off 30% of its employees as the organization says it faces a “relentless onslaught of change.”
I can't help but think Firefox is in its last throes of decline. I really hope it manages to bounce back, somehow, but it's difficult to see how.
Web Design Inspiration - Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design
If you’re finding today a bit stressful for some reason, grab a respite by sinking into any of these web design inspiration websites.
thephpleague/html-to-markdown: Convert HTML to Markdown with PHP
curl -v https://google.com - YouTube
The little men in your computer do this every time you open google.com
Edge to Edge Text – Frontend Masters Boost
A modern FitText alternative.
How Secure Is My Password? | Password Strength Checker | Security.org
The #1 Password Strength Tool. Trusted and used by millions.
Have I Been Pwned: Pwned Passwords
Pwned Passwords are hundreds of millions of real world passwords previously exposed in data breaches. This exposure makes them unsuitable for ongoing use as they're at much greater risk of being used to take over other accounts.
My Modern CSS Reset | jakelazaroff.com
Another CSS reset, this one is loosely based on Josh W Comeau's CSS reset.
CSS Tricks That Use Only One Gradient | CSS-Tricks
In this article, we are not going to make complex stuff with CSS gradients. Instead, we’re keeping things simple and I am going to walk through all of the incredible things we can do with just one gradient.
Thoughts on Arc - macwright.com
The user-base size that consumer-facing startups need to meet expectations is just unfathomable because their average revenue per user rounds to zero. Arc is wildly successful but it needs to be just outstandingly successful to succeed. Right now it’s very popular in tech circles, but consumer software tech startups need to be popular like Amazon or Walmart.
Webfonts were great when most computers only had a handful of good fonts pre-installed. Thanks to font creation and buying by Apple, Microsoft, Google, and other folks, most computers have good—no, great—fonts installed, and they're a great option if you want to not load a separate font.
Container-oriented Terminal
This is the new default Terminal in Fedora Workstation.
Before you buy a domain name, first check to see if it's haunted | Bryan Braun - Frontend Developer
The name was musicbox.fun. I got it for a side-project, an interactive online music box that I had built and hosted at musicboxfun.com. The new name was shorter and more quirky. I felt lucky to have grabbed it.
Unfortunately, musicbox.fun had a history. Before I bought it, the domain was used to host pirated music.
A Desktop for All – Adrian's blog
TL;DR: I would like to turn GNOME OS, GNOME’s home-grown distro for testing and development of the GNOME Desktop, into a daily-drivable general purpose OS.
Fighting for a better web
We’re not working at Vivaldi, we’re fighting. Fighting for a better web than we have now.
Remember del.icio.us? Remember Ma.gnolia? They were both social bookmarking sites and I used both until they ceased to exist. I now keep my bookmarks on my own site and share them here.
I tend to bookmark interesting websites as I browse the web, so my bookmarks could be thought of as a trail of digital breadcrumbs. The existence of a bookmark here does not indicate any endorsement of the website or service.
Click the link below to subscribe to my Bookmarks feed in your favourite news reader client: