Web demos tagged with "javascript"

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Screenshot of Colour Gradient Explorer #1

Colour Gradient Explorer #1

A lazy man's colour gradient generator. Enter a single colour value and the demo will attempt to generate a lovely colour gradient by incrementally adjusting the RGB values of the base colour.

colours gradients javascript

Screenshot of JavaScript Emoji Slot Machine

JavaScript Emoji Slot Machine

An emoji slot machine demo. Spin the wheels for a game of chance with added poop jeopardy!

audio games javascript

Screenshot of HTML Audio App: Creepy SFX for Haunted Walk

HTML Audio App: Creepy SFX for Haunted Walk

Demo HTML audio soundboard app for playing spooky SFX. Uses a hidden HTML audio element that is controlled by JavaScript events.

audio css grid halloween html javascript

Screenshot of Canvas Animation: Particle Emitter #3

Canvas Animation: Particle Emitter #3

I really enjoy creating JavaScript particle emitters and this example is a particularly nice one.

animation canvas javascript

Screenshot of Canvas Animation: Particle Emitter #2

Canvas Animation: Particle Emitter #2

Another JavaScript particle emitter animation. The particles in this animation have a more organic feel to them with random changes to their direction of movement.

animation canvas javascript

Screenshot of Canvas Animation: Particle Emitter #1

Canvas Animation: Particle Emitter #1

A basic JavaScript particle emitter animation that acts as good starting point for creating more complex animations.

animation canvas javascript

Screenshot of Canvas Drawing: Concentric Circles

Canvas Drawing: Concentric Circles

I had a feeling that drawing lots of circles on a screen would look nice. In this demo, I acted on that feeling and wrote some JavaScript to do just that.

canvas javascript

Screenshot of Canvas Drawing: Concentric Squares

Canvas Drawing: Concentric Squares

A JavaScript and Canvas demo that may give you square eyes, according to my Mum.

canvas javascript

Screenshot of Canvas Animation: Hot Sauce Committee

Canvas Animation: Hot Sauce Committee

A full-page HTML canvas animation inspired by the album art from the Beastie Boys' Hot Sauce Committee Part Two.

animation canvas javascript

Screenshot of Canvas Animation: Minecraft Block

Canvas Animation: Minecraft Block

A HTML/JavaScript canvas animation in the style of a Minecraft block.

animation canvas javascript minecraft

Web Demos

My web demos exist as a playground for creating experiments written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

I have previously used CodePen for experimenting with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, but in the spirit of IndieWeb POSSE, I decided to start hosting my demos myself.


I like tag all content on my site. See below for all tags used within my web demos.


Click the link below to subscribe to my Demo feed in your favourite news reader client:

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Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


My name is and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website (philipnewborough.co.uk) serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.

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