HTML, CSS and JavaScript Demos

Screenshot of Canvas Animation: Minecraft Block

Canvas Animation: Minecraft Block

A HTML/JavaScript canvas animation in the style of a Minecraft block.

animation canvas javascript minecraft

Screenshot of Canvas Collider #3

Canvas Collider #3

A JavaScript animation of randomly moving blocks that explode when they collide.

animation canvas javascript

Screenshot of Canvas Movements #1

Canvas Movements #1

Imagine entering a World where every movement you took was directed by rolling dice. Now image everyone entering the same World with the same rules. This animation emulates that scenario with pixels on a screen.

animation canvas javascript

Screenshot of Canvas Collider #2

Canvas Collider #2

This JavaScript canvas animation is a basic block collider with collision detection. Blocks collide with each other and with debris from explosions from previous collisions.

animation canvas javascript

Screenshot of Canvas Collider #1

Canvas Collider #1

This JavaScript animation is a basic block collider with collision detection. There are always at least 2 blocks on screen, one moving from left to right and the other moving right to left. A test is performed with every animation frame to detect if the blocks share the same space on screen, if they do they explode.

animation canvas javascript

Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


My name is and I’m a full stack web developer living and working in Lincoln, England. This website ( serves as my personal homepage. When I’m not working with tech, I love to ride bicycles with my wife and friends.

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