Debian Wallpaper Generator

When it comes to choosing a wallpaper for my GNOME desktop, I like something pretty basic. My wallpaper has a plain blue/grey background colour (something like #363949) and a muted logo. The default image created by this wallpaper generator is perfect for me.

Anyhow, I though it might be fun to create a tool that can generate similar wallpapers with various tweaks and of various dimensions. This tool allows the user to select their own background colour and choice of Debian logo. It also allows the user to make subtle tweaks to the logo size and opacity, as well as providing the option to apply a vignette. Once all options have been selected, the user can then download the wallpaper, sized to any common monitor resolution.

The Debian logo can be found here:
The Debian ASCII logo was copied from Neofetch.
The Debian Diversity logo was created by Valessio Brito and is available here.

canvas debian javascript tools


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Philip Newborough and a donkey enjoying a beer.


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